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• ≈ 30% of the territory is covered with trees and vegetation of the total area of the University

• own center of advanced training in the environmental direction

(Environmental safety, ensuring environmental safety when working in the field of waste management I-IV hazard classes, Ensuring environmental safety managers and specialists of General management systems, ensuring environmental safety at the enterprise)

• more than 2000 people trained in environmental areas in the center of professional development of the University

• annual student scientific and practical conferences of RSTU, as well as international conferences, including the section "Environmental safety»

• annual organization and participation in events on protection issues environment and sustainability (ecological circle, "Ecology", "Eco-spring", etc.);

• implementation of industrial environmental control in order to ensure the implementation of environmental protection measures in the process of economic activity, compliance with environmental protection requirements;

• organization of separate waste collection (waste paper, PET bottles) for their recycling.

The University carries out the following activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

• waste management is carried out in accordance with the Federal program in the field of solid municipal waste management;

• protection and increase in the number of plants that act as sinks of greenhouse gases (subbotniks, "months of purity" and days of tree planting, as well as participation in the action " Rostov - the city of a million roses»);

• taking measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by vehicles (write-off and transfer for recycling of old cars with an increased environmental class, control of smoke emissions)