The participants of the RSTU Summer Language School visited the laboratory base of the Faculty of Electromechanics.


Students of the RSTU Summer Language School from the People's Republic of China continue to be introduced to the rich history of the Don Region, our university, as well as the laboratory base of the faculties. The first faculty visited by foreign students was the Electromechanical Faculty.

The students got acquainted with the rich history of the faculty, having learned that since 1929 the faculty was called railway, and in 1934 the carriage and locomotive faculties were opened on its basis. The faculty received its current name in 1988.

The participants of the RSTU Summer Language School (Fan Liwen, Guo Xiaoyu, Hu Jinke, Li Hongzhou, Wang Bo, Yong Jinyu, Zhang Chi and Zhu Shimao) got acquainted with the educational and laboratory base of the faculty, visited the laboratory of "Electrical Safety", and also could feel like machinists on the training complexes of electric trains "Lastochka" and "Sapsan" and other types of traction rolling stock.

The guys express their gratitude to the university staff for organizing educational events within the framework of the RSTU Summer Language School.

The participants of the RSTU Summer Language School project visited excursions in the cities of the Don region


The RSTU continues to introduce its international students to the culture, traditions and history of the Don Region. As part of the implementation of the Summer Language School-2024 project, the staff of the RSTU organized excursions to Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, a visit to the museum complex of the Great Patriotic War (World War II) "Sambek Heights" and a trip to the Loga landscape Park.

The events were attended by students from China (Fan Liwen, Guo Xiaoyu, Hu Jinke, Li Hongzhou, Wang Bo, Yong Jinyu, Zhang Chi and Zhu Shimao), Jamaica (White Joshua George), Haiti (Jules Fegens) and Gabon (Lisa Elvina Bouanga-Poaty). The university staff organized sightseeing tours of key places in the Don region for them. The students got acquainted with the Don sights with interest, visited Chekhov's House, the Stone Staircase in Taganrog and walked along the coast of the Sea of Azov.

During the tour, the students immersed themselves in the history of Russia and the Don Region. They learned a lot about the Don culture and the real heroes who inscribed their names forever in the history of Russia and the whole world. Now the guys understand better why the Don region is so unique, and also express their gratitude to the university for organizing events to study the culture of the Don region.

International Department of the RSTU


RSTU students took part in the celebration of the 75th anniversary of

friendly relations between Russia and China

Students of the Rostov State Transport University celebrated the 75th anniversary of diplomatic friendly relations between the two countries as part of the Cross Days of Culture of Russia and China. The celebration took place in the Rostov House of Officers on March 1. This event was attended by over a thousand people.

The celebration of the 75th anniversary of Russian-Chinese relations took place with the participation of representatives of the Russian-Chinese Center for Humanitarian Cooperation Zhang Jingwei and Evgeny Litvin. During the official part of the ceremony, agreements were signed between Russian and Chinese organizations.

The program for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Russian-Chinese relations also included a tea ceremony, exhibitions and master classes on the art of writing Chinese characters and paintings.

Among the guests of the event there were many students from Rostov, as well as children from the People's Republic of China who came to study in our city. Among them were students of the Rostov State Transport University. At the event, they were able to communicate and share their opinions in an informal setting. Our students really enjoyed the event. They were able to discover a new side of China, Chinese culture and traditions.

The celebration of the 75th anniversary of Russian-Chinese relations ended with a large-scale concert, in which both groups from Russia and China took part.


RSTU teachers have given lectures to students

at the Henan College of Surveying and Mapping (China)

Cooperation between RSTU and the Henan College of Surveying and Mapping (People's Republic of China) began back in 2020. In November 2023, a delegation from our university paid a working visit to a Chinese partner university. As part of this interaction, teachers of the Department of Computer Science and Automated Control Systems conducted classes and master classes in a full-time format for students studying in the 2nd year in the field of Informatics and Computer Science.

Students were trained in the disciplines “Applied Programming and Databases” and “ Multithreading and Parallel Programming” in a specialized computer class with personal computers connected to a local network. Our teachers conducted laboratory work using multimedia equipment. The classes were devoted, among other things, to the structured query language SQL for relational databases using the MS Sql Server database management system. Students were also introduced to the methods of multi-threaded and parallel programming in C++, special Thread libraries and OpenMP standards using the integrated software development environment Visual Studio.

In September next year, these 2nd year students at the Henan College of Surveying and Mapping will be able to continue their studies in the field of “Informatics and Computer Science” at the RSTU in the 3rd year, already in full-time format.

Department of International Activities of RSTU


The traditional New Year's Eve meeting of the rector of the University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Vereskun with the student asset "We make ourselves" took place at the RSTU.

This meeting has been held in an informal round table format for the eleventh year. A frank conversation took place about how the university is developing, how students live, their interests and aspirations, prospects for professional growth and, of course, problems.

Initiative guys came to the meeting with the rector: young scientists, fellows of the President of the Russian Federation, winners of grants and various competitions, participants of educational and scientific conferences, builders, activists of the student union, volunteers, amateur participants. The event was moderated by the Vice-rector for Youth Policy and Educational Activities E.G. Shepilova.

Today, young people are the result of everything they have done during their lives up to the present moment. "Today you are able to get a lot out of life, but tomorrow you will be able to give yourself what you dream of." – V.D. Vereskun.

For more than two hours, students communicated with the rector, because the exchange of opinions and experience is important for young people. The conversation was about the realization of their life and professional aspirations, growth and becoming a specialist. The Rector of RSTU emphasized the opportunity for students to study science at the world-class scientific laboratory base of the university, spoke about the experience of introducing educational technologies abroad, about spiritual and moral education and preserving the traditions of our university and, of course, about the role of Russia in the international community.

At the end of the meeting, Vladimir Dmitrievich wished the students to devote more time to self-development and improvement of their professional qualities. The meeting turned out to be interesting, productive and left the best impressions among the representatives of the student activists of our alma mater.

RSTU hosted the festival of Indonesian students in Russia “Wonderful Indonesia”


Within the framework of the festival held by Indonesian students of Russia, RSTU was visited by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia delegation: Mr. Enjay Diana – First Secretary of the Information and Socio-Cultural Issues Department of the Embassy of Indonesia in Russia; Mr. Felix Kim – Officer of the Information and Socio-Cultural Issues Department of the Embassy of Indonesia in Russia; Mr. Tursino – Officer of the Protocol and Consular Section of the Embassy of Indonesia in Russia.

During the tour, the representatives of the Indonesian Embassy visited the laboratory complex of faculties where Indonesian students study within the framework of the project Kalimantan Rail and Russian Railways. The issues of prospects for increasing the number of Indonesian RSTU students, issues of interaction upon completion of the above project were also touched upon. Republic of Indonesia Embassy representatives highly appreciated our university and expressed hope for the continuation of fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation.

The festival participants were greeted by the first vice-rector A.V. Chelokhyan, wishing them a good success both in study and creative activities.

Indonesian students showed the culture, traditions and life of their wonderful country and encouraged all the guests to visit Indonesia. This event made a huge impact in Indonesian mass-media (see links below).

Press office

A delegation of the Azerbaijan Technical University visited the RSTU


Students of AzSTU are trained in the transport faculty (specialties: "Wagons", "Locomotives").

The International Department staff and the Department of Electric Rolling Stock organized visits to the locomotive and wagon depot "Bataysk", the Museum of Railway Engineering in Rostov-on-Don, as well as the work at the Department of Electric Rolling Stock with the faculty and post-graduate students of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. A.D. Petrushin.

During the cultural program of the visit, the guests visited the Memorial of Glory on the Sambek Heights, inaugurated on May 7, 1980 by the Azerbaijani delegation led by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijan SSR Heydar Aliyev; and also visited the cities of Azov and Taganrog.

Press office

The Chief Auditor for the safety of the movement of the Azerbaijan Railway Sharifov Kazim Mamedovich paid a working visit to the RSTU


Within the framework of the visit, the issues of expanding scientific cooperation between the RSTU and the Azerbaijan Railway were raised. K. M. Sharifov got acquainted with the scientific and technical base, laboratories of the university, highly appreciated the infrastructure and scientific and educational opportunities of the RSTU. As a result of the visit, an increase in the number of Azerbaijani students is expected, as well as the implementation of joint scientific activities. Also K.M. Sharifov took part in the round table "The System of Transport Corridors in the South of Russia: Digital Transformation and Educational Potential", he delivered information "On the Development of the Railways of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

Press office

Student Forum “My successes to you, Homeland!”


Annually at the end of the year the best students of the university meet with the rector Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Vereskun. This meeting is a conversation about the university developing, students life, their interests and aspirations, prospects for professional growth, and, of course, problems. The most active and enterprising youngsters gathered in the reading room: young scientists, the President of the Russian Federation scholarship holders, grant owners, winners of various competitions, participants in educational and scientific conferences, construction workers, athletes, activists of the trade union student movement, volunteers and developers of social projects. The meeting was attended by the administration of the university in the face of vice-rectors, deans of faculties, directors of the technical school and lyceum.

The main topic of the forum was that today the world enters the era of the new industrial revolution, the fourth in a row, which define the future of the international economy. In this context questions were opened about the future education of our country, new study programs that were developed. Vladimir Dmitrievich noted that the scientific potential of students, graduate students and young scientists will remain the priority trend of the future transport branch development in our country.

Participants of the meeting presented their undertakings and projects. The rector assured the students that the administration of the university will always support the implementation of new, interesting ideas.

The social sphere of the university's life was also discussed. A photo was taken in memory of the meeting. Another generation of the best students made it into history of RSTU. In completion of the event there was dancing, organized by the students’ trade union committee.

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