The Faculty trains and retrains specialists in the field of automation and telecommunication at rail transport, electric rail transport, rail power supply, automatic control and informatics in technical systems, computer security, metrology and measurement assurance.

Tel. : 8(863) 272-65-95, monday to friday from 8.15- 17.00

Room № Г 317,



ph.D., Associate Professor Lyashenko Aleksey Mikhailovich.

Bachelor's degree (4 years):

Computer science and engineering

Information systems and technologies

Specialist degree (5 years):

Information management technologies

Information management technologies

Our graduates receive the diploma of engineer and can project, mount and maintain railway systems of automatics, telemechanics and communication. Complexity and a variety of railway systems broaden an outlook of the experts that allows them to work not only in transport, but also in related fields: electro automatics, communication, radio electronics.

The Faculty offers the following courses:

09.03.02 Information systems and technologies

Profile: Information systems and technologies at transport

23.05.05 Train operation supporting systems

Profiles: Railway automatics and telemechanics

Automatics, telemechanics at railway transportation

Railway tele-communication systems and networks

09.03.01 Informatics and computer engineering

Profile: Computers, complexes, systems and networks

Brief History

The Faculty was founded on the 1st of June 1982.

There are 18 professors, 15 doctors of sciences, 74 senior lecturers, 80 candidates of sciences, 17 senior teachers, 20 assistants and 50 post-graduate students at the Faculty.

The basic directions of scientific research

  • System engineering of train dispatching.
  • Computer control systems of switches and signaling at the railways stations.
  • Telecommunication systems and technologies.
  • Engineering of automated workplaces for workers of the signaling and communication.
  • Fundamental aspects of nuclear and molecular spectroscopy.

The studies at the Faculty are conducted in 26 educational laboratories equipped with modern technologies. In the Faculty laboratories about 150 computers are installed, system of local communication, the dispatching and electric centralization, working as a part of a laboratory-training complex «Virtual railway» are also installed.

Annually dozens of highly skilled experts start independent, creative work at the transport and railway enterprises, design offices and the centers of information technologies, commercial structures, governing bodies.

Each student has a real possibility in perfection of programming competencies in working out of new information systems and technologies, the automated measuring and diagnostic complexes, in design of digital measuring devices for a special purpose. At the same time students get an extensive knowledge in the field of social and economic sciences and the humanities, including aspects of commercial work and interaction between various types of transport, border and port stations, foreign economic relations, bases of business, marketing and etc. Lecture halls are equipped with the training means, including local computer networks.

Specialized laboratories of the Faculty are equipped with the operating installations of automatic and telemechanics control systems, devices of various kinds of communication, including digital, fiber-optical, satellite, information technologies. The powerful park of personal computers and the developed programming-software stimulates students on acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of use of modern computer facilities for the decision of professional problems of specialties and scientific research.

Improvement of quality of educational process and strengthening of creative links with business are promoted by invitation of leading experts of transport and other organizations for lecturing, practical lessons, management of degree designing, joint drawing up of plans and training programs.

«Automatics, telemechanics and communication» is one of the most complicated and interesting areas of a railway transportation that has been intensively developing during the last years on the basis of advanced achievements in microelectronic and microprocessor technologies; it explains a constant growing requirement of railways for new specialists with high qualification.

Engineers in specialization "Automatics and telemechanics" work with the responsible technical systems providing regulation of movement of trains at stations and long sections of line. The most responsible problems of checking of traffic safety conditions are resolved by means on electromagnetic relays of a higher class of reliability or microelectronic control means of raised reliability.

Graduates of university receive the diploma of the engineer and can project, mount and maintain railway systems of automatics, telemechanics and communication. Complexity and a variety of railway systems broaden an outlook of the experts that allows them to work not only in transport, but also in related fields: electro automatics, communication, radio electronics.

The big deficiency of the given experts creates good preconditions for professional career of the graduates of our university.

The effective work of transport organizations in the market of transport services is not possible without powerful information support at all stages of cargoes, transportation without creation of branch, corporate information-communication systems. For the decision of this problem experts in the field of computer information technologies are required.

To solve this problem the students are trained in two specialties: «Computers, complexes, systems and networks» and «Information systems and technologies». At first glance these specialties are related but, actually, they solve different problems.

Being trained in a specialty «Computers, complexes, systems and networks», students get knowledge of computer and telecommunication equipment: multiprocessing and multicomputer systems, personal and industrial computers, printers, scanners, multimedia, routers; local, corporate both global networks and their software. Students get skills of the organization and support of computer networks, get an operational experience in the Internet global network , are trained in creation of operational systems and the most important is that the students get skills of programming in several languages that is very important in the modern computer world. On a railway transportation these experts are engaged in designing, installation and adjustment, operation of computer centers and Networks of data transmission of a railway transportation.

Highly skilled experts are necessary for working out, introduction and operation of information systems on transport. They must possess a profound knowledge both in the field of information technologies and systems, and management of transportation process, cargo and commercial work, technical services of transport. For this reason in transport higher schools education in a specialty «Information systems and technologies» has been opened.

Training in this specialty is focused on studying of transportation technologies and corporate information systems, their safety and protection. Besides, a special attention is given to designing and management of information systems. Students of both computer specialties pay more attention, than all other specialties, to studying of the English language as the professional language, language of experts in the field of information and computer technologies.

Modern systems of telecommunication with use of various communication lines (cable, fiber-optical, radio-relay and satellite) develop not separately, but in a complex for creation of the uniform information environment both in Russia, and abroad. The operational experience of the international network of INTERNET confirms the concepts of development of communication systems in the direction of the integrated telecommunication system interconnected with land and satellite communication systems. The special role is thus given to an equipment intended to transfer great volumes of the information on considerable distances (the main communications).

The Graduates of a specialty " Railway tele-communication systems and networks" find the application at operation and designing of equipment of consolidation of a domestic long distance communication with the use of cable and fiber-optical communication lines, systems of a satellite communication, radio relay communication. In the course of training the students study special disciplines on construction and a principle of action of modern systems of transfer, such as multichannel systems, satellite and radio relay systems of transfer, radio communication and TV system, principles of construction of systems of data transmission, including system the INTERNET, broadband digital integrated networks, intellectual networks, global information infrastructures etc.