Collaboration with Paris Lodron University in Salzburg

From April, 16 till April, 22nd, 2012, within the frame of development of multidimensional collaboration with Paris Lodron University in Salzburg (Austria), supported by the management of our university in the name of the rector, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I.Kolesnikov, employees of the Economy, Management and Law Department, the professor, the head of subdepartment «Theory of state and Law», I.A. Ivannikov and a vice-dean E.G. Donchenko took part in the research and academic training at the Austrian university.

Within the frame of the training, our employees could discuss a variety of questions of collaboration between the Economy and Law Department of Paris Lodron University, and the Economy, Management and Law Department of RSTU with the Austrian colleagues. These questions concerned an exchange of students and post-graduate students, participation of our students in summer schools and courses on the basis of the Austrian University, preparation and realisation of a cycle of bilateral on-line lectures for students of both universities in English on some disciplines of economy and jurisprudence.

Employees of our university could get acquainted with the organisation of educational process at the university-partner, meet teachers and discuss the general problems in education and how to solve them through collaboration. Professor I.A.Ivannikov gave a lecture in German to the Austrian students studying international law. The lecture was devoted to development of forms of the Russian statehood.

The teachers and students of the Salzburg university who for the first time visited our city and our university in November, 2011, with warmth and gratitude recollect the friendly visit. They repeatedly noticed in negotiations, that they had learnt a lot here, and with pleasure will continue our partner mutual relations.

The Austrian colleagues passed words of sincere gratitude and respect to the rector of our university, V.I.Kolesnikov, for high professionalism and hospitality.

M.P.Churikov The chief of the international activity department