16 - 21 of May, RSTU hosted the main trainer of a student English national team on Rugby League, Garreth John Pratt, and his assistant-translator Julia Bennison

16 - 21 of May, RSTU hosted the main trainer of a student English national team on Rugby League, Garreth John Pratt, and his assistant-translator Julia Bennison, according to earlier reached arrangement between RSTU and the European federation of Rugby League

The purpose of the visit was a 5-day master class for a student national team of university on Rugby League.

On May, 16, the visitors from Great Britain were greeted by the rector of RSTU, the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Kolesnikov. During the negotiations some questions of bilaterial cooperation were discussed.

It should be mentioned that RSTU student national team of Rugby League has won the Cup of Russia among students by this kind of sports. Therefore a special attention is paid to this kind of sport at our university. In January the Academic council accepted the Support Program of student Rugby League, and on April, 27, there was a competition in Rugby League, called the Rector Cup of RSTU. It was devoted to the 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

RSTU Press-service