Delegation of RSTU at International Transport Forum in Paris

Delegation of RSTU at International Transport Forum in Paris

From the 1st up to the 3d of December of 2011 the delegation of the Rostov State Transport University headed by the rector, academician of RAS V.I. Kolesnikov took part in the international forum “Russia-Europe: Perspectives of Formation of Unified Transport Space”, which was held in Paris (France). It is pleasant to note that our colleagues were the only invited participants of such a high international forum among the representatives of the high school of Russia, what has become the result of a long-term and fruitful cooperative work of RSTU and institutions of the French Republic.

The organizer of the forum was the association “French-Russian Dialogue”, created in 2004 on the initiative of Presidents of Russia and France V.V. Putin and J. Chirac. At the moment the co-chairmen of the association on the part of Russia is the President of JSC “Russian Railways” V.I. Jakunin, on the French one – the head of the concern “Total” Tjerri Demare.

Outstanding state and public figures of Russia and France, representatives of the leading transport companies of both countries, including the Vice Prime Minister of the RF S.B. Ivanov, the Vice-Minister of Transport of the RF A.N. Nedosekova, the President of JSC “Russian Railways” V.I. Jakunin, the Minister of Transport in the Ministry of Ecology, long-term development, transport and housing services Tjurri Mariani, the co-chairman of the Association “French-Russian Dialogue” Tjerri Demare, the President of NSRF - National society of railways in France Guioma Pepi, the President of the company “Alstom” Patric Crone took part in the forum.

Within the framework of the forum there were held discussions and round-table conferences on the questions of development and integrated market of railway transportations, effective management of the growing passenger traffic flow of commercial and public transport, creation of high speed thoroughfares and development of tourist routes, introduction of intellectual transport systems.

The results of the work at the forum are signing of the contract between railway companies JSC “Federal Passenger Company” and “SNCF” on running of the international passenger-train Moscow-Berlin-Paris, and also signing of the agreement on cooperation between management board of railway terminals - the branch of JSC “Russian Railways” and the subdivision “Railroad Stations and Communication” of the company SNCF (twin-relations between five stations of Russia and France).

The rector of RSTU, academician of RAS V.I. Kolesnikov held within the framework of the forum meetings with public and political figures of Russia and France, which resulted in agreements on the development of a number of joint Russian-French innovation projects in the field of education, science and culture.

V.A. Olejnikov, the leading specialist of Educational and Methodic Administration