Dreams come true!

Dreams come true!

On the New Year's Eve the students of our university, who take part in joint projects of RSTU with the French partners, have returned to Rostov-on-Don from France. These are Master student Julia Grebenjkova and an undergraduate of humanitarian department Olga Soboleva.

In 2011 the RSTU has launched program «Two Diplomas» in collaboration with University of Le Mans, and the graduate of Automatics and Telemechanics department Julia Grebenjkova who decided to study for Master’s degree for speciality 230100 - Computer science and computer facilities, has been enrolled at once. So, she pioneered in this joint educational project of RSTU and University of Le Mans.

In August Julia Grebenjkova arrived to Le Mans, and was successfully trained there in the frame of intensive educational program «Specialized French». In September she started training in a magistracy of the French higher school in the field of information technologies. At the same time, she was having distance training with her research supervisor in RSTU, professor M.A. Butakova, meeting deadlines in carrying out tasks and projects. It is very important, that with the support of administrations of both universities, it was possible for Julia to become one of the few foreign students of the French university who has received the grant for the training, financed by the regional authorities.

To sum it up, it is possible to confirm, that Julia has met all our expectations, has successfully joined the educational environment of the French university. And now all our Master students, who will arrive to Le Mans in 2012 and will join J.Grebenjkova (there will be at least 3 people!), will try very hard to catch up with her and be even better to cope with educational and scientific tasks.

The student of humanitarian department Olga Soboleva, in her turn, obtained the grant of Embassy of France in Russia. It is an opportunity for her to enrich the professional experience, and to improve her French language skills. Olga not only studies at University of Lille, but she also works as a teacher of Russian in two lycées of this beautiful city in the north of France.

No doubt, the visit to France has enriched not only language and professional skills of our students. Both Julia and Olga are convinced, that participation in the international projects has essentially strengthened their self-esteem and that after graduation from RSTU and University of Le Mans, their sphere of employment will be extended significantly. But, first of all, their life experience, such as ability to make independent decisions to plan the further professional development and self- improvement. Julia and Olga are a bright example for all our students and solid proof that participation in the international projects of our university is a launchpad for the successful and effective start in the independent life. The main thing is to believe in yourself, in own forces, to set targets and try hard to achieve them and then - dreams will come true!


M.P. Churikov, the main expert in the international activity
P.S. We invite students of our university to participate in the international projects! Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us: 2726521, 2726261, 2553141 - group of the international activity