Representatives of RSTU on training at Technical university of Ostrava (the Czech Republic)

Representatives of RSTU on training at Technical university of Ostrava (the Czech Republic)

From November, 2nd till November, 16th, 2011 the fifth-year-students of Power department of RSTU Irina Voloshina and Anton Kondratyev were having field study on the basis of the partner of our university, one of leading technical higher educational institutions of the Czech Republic - Technical university of Ostrava (VŠB-TUO), and also the enterprises of transport branch and energy sector of Moravia and Silesia.

The head of RSTU students group was D.V. Kolosov, who is an assistant professor of the chair «Automated systems of power supply», the leading expert in international activity. He had been invited by the Czech party for delivering a short course of lectures in English for students, post-graduate students and teachers of VŠB-TUO. The lectures were devoted to the questions of development of the electrified railways in Russia, applications of the current technologies of carrying the traffic, and to prospects of integration of the Russian railways in the all-European and world multimodal transport infrastructure.

Our delegation was welcomed by the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences of VŠB-TUO (FEI). The principal organizer of the training program was the Sub-Department of Electrical Engineering, with the Head of Sub-Department, professor Vitezslav Styskala, who had been the leader of the Ostrava Technical university delegation during their visit to RSTU in April 2011.

The RSTU students got acquainted with infrastructure, educational process and laboratory base of the Technical university, consulted with the teachers of VŠB-TUO who will act as scientific co-advisers and consultants of our students on diploma and scientific papers. While consulting with the Rostov colleagues, authorities of FEI Department and the Dean, professor Václav Snášel in person showed interest to the organisation of programs of joint post-graduation training with working out of vital scientific questions by the Russian and Czech parties. The extensive program of industrial training allowed our students to learn about activities of leading state-owned and private transport, power and engineering enterprises, such as Administration of railways of the Czech Republic (SŽDC), Transport research centre CDV, a.s. Trakce (joint-stock company Trakce), s.r.o. Hudeczek Service (Hudeczek Service, Ltd.). They also visited various facilities of traffic control and power supply on railways, and received personal certificates.

Also the RSTU delegation toured to Warsaw (Poland), Bratislava and to Zhilina (the Slovak Republic). In the capital of Poland, the RSTU representatives visited the largest in the country technical college - the Warsaw technological university. There they negotiated for promising directions of the academic and scientific cooperation with the director of Institute of Electric machines of the Department of Electrical Engineering, professor Adam Szelag. In Zhilina (Slovakia) they had consultations about cooperation with a management of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Zhilina University, headed by the Dean, professor Milan Dado. Representatives of universities of Warsaw and Zhilina expressed interest to the development of complex interaction with RSTU, and now projects of bilateral cooperation agreements are being prepared. In the capital of Slovakia our delegation visited Economic university of Bratislava, and negotiated for current and promising directions of cooperation development between our educational establishments with the faculty of Applied Computer Science department, and also took part in the round table session with Slovak students.

Besides, our hosts from VŠB-TUO organised for the Rostov visitors the extensive cultural program with visiting of picturesque nature, ancient historic monuments, modern industrial centres, a technical museum of company TATRA, a museum of mining, and many other things, which opened an absolutely new vision of beauty of Southern Moravia and Silesia.

Also the RSTU delegation held a meeting with representatives of the International Office of Technical university. They discussed possibilities of intensification of programs of the academic exchanges between RSTU and VŠB-TUO, and they also considered joint participation in international projects, such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, etc.

On the last day of visit the academic council of Electrical engineering Department of VŠB-TUO, where there were representatives of regional business community, expressed the appreciation of professional work of the invited teacher of RSTU, and they expected the management of the Department to make regular exchange programs between our universities .

Undoubtedly, industrial practice training in Ostrava has essentially expanded a professional outlook of the RSTU representatives, has allowed them to receive valuable experience of dialogue with foreign colleagues and, certainly, has given the important stimulus for development of the international educational connections of our universities.

V.A. Olejnikov, the leading expert to Education and Methodics Control