The main activity of the Institute is aimed at training qualified specialists in public administration and local government, management, tourism and service, psychology and sociology. The Institute trains highly qualified sociologists and specialists of public relations. Understanding the fact that hotel management acquires not only good knowledge but also the practical and personal skills the faculty gives students a strong and balanced combination of theory and practice.


Tel. : 8(863) 272-64-22, monday to friday from 8.15- 17.00

Room С 112,



Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vladimir Alexandrovich Osipov

Students who show gut results at studying have a lot of opportunities to participate in different foreign language and professional courses. All studies and training are conducted under the guidance of highly qualified teachers from RGUPS, RGU and foreign universities.

The graduates from this faculty work as heads of the recruiter and socio-economic services, commercial services, as social workers, psychologists, tourism managers, guides.

Bachelor's degree (4 years):

Advertising and public relations

Organization personnel management


State and municipal administration

Master's degree (2 years):

Personnel management

State and municipal administration

The Faculty offers the following courses:

42.03.01 Advertisement and public relations

Profile: Advertisement and public relations in the commercial sphere

43.03.03 Hotel industry

Profile: Hotel industry

43.03.02 Tourism

Profile: Tourism transport support

38.03.03 Personnel management

Profile: Transport, enterprise and service personnel management

38.03.04 State and municipal management

Profile: State and municipal service

The Humanities Faculty was founded in 1993.

Today more than 300 teachers work at 6 chairs of the Humanities, over 1200 students study here. We pay attention to quality of education, the best lecturers of the University and other higher schools are involved into scientific work (80 % have a scientific degree). Annually dozens of students train in Spain, France, Germany, Turkey, the USA, Malta. Some combine study in France, the USA, Germany and education at our university. The most important thing for us is that our graduates are demanded at administrations of cities and areas, North Caucasus Railway, the Faculty of Internal Affairs, in the best hotels and travel agencies of Rostov, Moscow, Kuban. The faculty is proud of the following things: the remarkable students, the separate educational building, all conditions for creativity, fine green territory.

We are always glad to have new friends!

43.03.02 Tourism and 43.03.03 Hotel industry

The graduates obtain a qualification of an expert in service and tourism.

The curriculum includes: the psychology, two foreign languages, computer science, professional etiquette, management, Jurisprudence, world culture and art, regional geography, a number of interesting special disciplines. Graduates work as managers of travel companies, hotel complexes, objects of a food, guides-translators, heads of the enterprises of a service orientation.

38.03.03 Personnel management

Education of bachelors of management with the specialization on « Transport, enterprise and service personnel management » is conducted for the subsequent work in the state and municipal governing bodies, at the enterprises, establishments and the organizations of all patterns of ownership in the industry, in the trade sphere, on transport, in banks, insurance and other spheres, in employment services.

38.03.04 State and municipal management

The future bachelors of service are traditionally widely demanded at the enterprises connected with service of the population, in the organizations of transport transportations, in bank, hotel, restaurant and tourist spheres. The students may use the modern equipped audiences, computer classes, educational and methodical offices. Classes are conducted by highly skilled lecturers.

We welcome you to the Humanities Faculty!